Creating a process to generate a resource model

Creating a process to generate a resource model

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Summary / Learning objective
– Learn how to create a process to generate a resource model

  1. Go to the ‘Processes’ tab and select the ‘Create new Resource Process’:

2. Select the Block model (previously uploaded in the Files tab) from the dropdown box and give it a name and description:

3. Define your grades, materials, resource classification and all other parameters for the logic of your resource model. Dropdowns are automatically populated with data from the CSV model file you uploaded in the ‘Files’ Tab.

4. When you have finished click the ‘Save’ option at the bottom of the page. You can then run your resource model by clicking on the play button on the ‘Processes’ tab:

5. Once the model has been created a resource report will be automatically generated in the ‘Reports’ tab:

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