The interface & basics explained

The interface & basics explained

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Summary / Learning objective

– Learn how to navigate the Cirrus interface.
– Understand the functions in the Cirrus Tool bar.

Menu Bar

The Cirrus menu bar is located at the top of the page (see above)

From the menu bar, you can access your list of Cirrus Projects (on the left-hand side) and access your account information (right-hand side)

Tool Bar

The Cirrus Tool bar. This is where you access the different functions of a Cirrus project

The Cirrus Tool bar is where you access all the functions of Cirrus from within a Project. A brief explanation of each option in the Tool bar is below:

  • Contains an automatically generated overall summary of the resource, reserve and sensitivity models included in the Project.
  • Includes a map of the location of the Project (This can be defined via the Edit option in the Tool bar)
  • Upload and manage your block model and any data you wish to store in your Cirrus project. Once uploaded your data sits in the Cloud.
  • Models contain the outputs from the runs you have completed in the ‘Processes’ tab.
  • Define your resource, reserve and sensitivity analysis models to run in the Cloud.
  • This is where reports will appear after running resource, reserve and sensitivity analysis runs.
  • Visualise in 3D your block model and surface data here.
  • Invite other users to collaborate on the project.
  • Edit the Project settings including the Project name, description and location.

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