What file formats are supported?

What file formats are supported?

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File Storage

Files of any type, format or size can be uploaded, stored in Cirrus and shared with others to download.

Model import

Each of the file types below will be processed by Cirrus when it is uploaded and tested to see if the file matches a criteria to be a known model type, e.g. a block model, points model, strings model and so on. If the format is recognised, the files will be further processed to a native format for optimal subsequent processing, including generating further models, visualisation and reporting.

Simple CSV Files (.csv)

Simple csv, or comma separated value, files with headers on the first row and basic content in each row are the fastest files to upload and for Cirrus to import for further processing. Use a .csv file extension.

Extended CSV Files (.csvx)

CSV files with advanced features such as fixed width columns, quotes or records that span multiple lines are also supported. Use a .csvx file extension for these files.

Excel Files (.xlx/.xlsx)

Cirrus will also allow you to upload and import Excel files. Only the first sheet is imported.

Zip Files (.zip)

You can upload one or more files into Cirrus via a compressed zip file. As each of the file types above can be heavily compressed this format presents the fastest way to upload files. Once uploaded the same import process described above is performed on all the files within the zip file and models generated for each accordingly.

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