What is sensitivity analysis?

What is sensitivity analysis?

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A sensitivity analysis determines how different values of an input variable impact a particular output variable under a given set of assumptions. The sensitivity analysis isolates the input variables and then records the range of possible output variable outcomes. DSA stands for the innovative Deterministic Sensitivity Analysis solution in Cirrus. Differently of other desktop mining solutions that deliver one-dimension sensitivity analysis, the Cirrus’s DSA engine is the unique product that can perform economic risk assessment in the n-dimension space on mineral resources and reserves. Using the power of the cloud, the DSA solution runs its n-dimensional sensitivity analysis in minutes in contrast with hours or even days of computer processing time required to run similar analysis using existing desktop mining planning solutions.

Why will it benefit me?

Given the remarkable efforts from the mining industry to implement international guidelines for mineral resources and reserves evaluation, the ability to perform comprehensive economic risk assessment has been perceived as one of the top priorities in the mining business in the last decades.

The major consequence associated with not performing a n-dimensional economic risk analysis is that the level of confidence associated to simultaneous changes in economic parameters remains unknown. As a result, negative risks (threats) cannot be mitigated and/or avoided and positive risk (opportunities) cannot be improved and/or exploited properly.

Cirrus provides a revolutionary tool to assess the economic risks associated with mineral assets enabling mining companies, consultants and investors to fully understand the correlation and implications that simultaneous variations in the economic input parameters have over their mineral resources and reserves, and consequently their cash flows.

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